colloquial troupe art project
Colloquial Troupe, aralarinda ressam, grafik sanatcilari, tasarimcilar, seramik ve ozgun baski sanatcilari, heykeltraslar bulunan, birbiri ile baglantili sanatcilarin eser ve projelerini yayinlamayi amaclamis bir Laf Kumpanyasidir.
Australia | Denmark | France | Germany | Hungary | Israel | New Zealand | Switzerland | Turkey | United States | Uruguay
Carlos Perez-Franco | Nihat Ziyalan | Kate Naylor | Kemal Uludag |
Oya Uzuner | Eva Loewy | Sadik Demiroz | Cenay Bayulgen | Frank Molte | Niladri Sarker | Isin Onol | Michael Kunz | Alitan Ucer | Mahmud A. Asrar | Salih Esme | Burak Aydin | Bahadir Fenerci | Oztoprak |
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colloquial troupe art project
There are two worlds. There is the outher world which appears to exist, and seems solid and permanent, but in truth is an illusion and there is the inner world which many people deny and is invisible to the senses, and yet is real and eternal. 1 / 795
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